学校法人山崎学園 富士見中学校高等学校



皆さん、Web授業はどうでしょうか。うまくつながらないなどの報告もありますが、心配はしないで下さい。学校としても改善をしながら進めていきます。どうぞ皆さんも少しずつ慣れていただければと思います。またWeb授業の他にも図書館(Learning Hub)の 「L-Hubサイト」もあります。私もいくつか紹介していますので、是非訪問してみて下さい。
さて、Trish先生を覚えていますか。NZの姉妹校、Palmerston North Girls' High Schoolから「Teacher Exchange」で昨年の秋に富士見に来て、皆さんに授業をしてくれたり、一緒に授業を受けたりした先生です。
Oh lovely to hear from you Mr Sato 😀
Yes it is difficult times now all over the world. We in NZ have been in ‘Lockdown’ since March 25th. This means everyone must stay home in their ‘bubble’ only going out to get food or exercise. Staying 2 metres from other people. Wearing a mask is optional but I think should be compulsory. This is strange for NZ people to wear masks. Not like Japanese people.
Tomorrow we begin teaching our students virtually. (The last 2.5 weeks were holidays) We have Google Classrooms and most of our work is done through this site. The teenagers are home with their families, unless mum or dad are essential workers They are mostly very happy with this at this stage. Naturally some students are worried about their work falling behind but the government will maybe adapt the requirements due to this situation. This means they maybe don’t have to gain as many credits(points) from each subject.
It is still not definite how long we will teach like this. A date is maybe 29 April but I don’t think so
How are you all coping at Fujimi? Are teachers teaching online? Are the students ok?
Please say hello from me. Remember I would love to return one day soon .. travel will be very different for a long time I think
Take care
Trish 🙃🇳🇿

Hi again. Yes I believe many are enjoying being able to study at their own pace. They enjoy spending time with their family but many miss their friends a lot. It’s easy these days though because we have Instagram, Zoom and so on to keep in touch They spend a lot of time online. Many parents are working from home so the children will be able to spend time on their devices. Luckily for us the weather has been amazing and sunny so we spend a lot of time outside in our garden and we also go for exercise walks often. Everyone is encouraged to keep exercising and we have many online classes for exercise for all ages
Also there is a lot of emphasis on staying mentally well. Many people feel anxious so they have lots of places that offer support if you need it
Please feel free to tell your students this.

Trish 🙃🇳🇿

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern statement to the nation on Covid-19, March 21 で検索すると youtube で聞くことができます。

校長 佐藤真樹